Book: Polderpolonaise -The Netherlands in drawings: the Dutch, their country and their culture

What is The Netherlands about? If you remove the clichés of clogs, windmills and tulips, what remains? And what do the Dutch consider to be typically Dutch? In this book, Merel Corduwener takes the reader on an illustrative journey to examine these questions – and more. The book will be launched on June 6 at The American Book Center, moderated by John Adams director Tracy Metz. Click here to pre-order.

What is The Netherlands about? If you remove the clichés of clogs, windmills and tulips, what remains? And what do the Dutch consider to be typically Dutch? In this book, Merel Corduwener takes the reader on an illustrative journey to examine these questions – and more. The book will be launched on June 6 at The American Book Center, moderated by John Adams director Tracy Metz. Click here to pre-order.