Photography: Dear Mr. Picasso

Dear Mr. Picasso, an illustrated love affair with freedom is a memoir of American photographer, Fred Baldwin (1928). Baldwin’s life took an extraordinary turn when he decided to interview and photograph Pablo Picasso. What followed were picture stories about reindeer migrations, the Ku Klux Klan, polar bear expeditions and the Civil Rights Movement, photographing Martin Luther King.

Dear Mr. Picasso, an illustrated love affair with freedom is a memoir of American photographer, Fred Baldwin (1928). Baldwin’s life took an extraordinary turn when he decided to interview and photograph Pablo Picasso. What followed were picture stories about reindeer migrations, the Ku Klux Klan, polar bear expeditions, and the Civil Rights Movement, photographing Martin Luther King.

Dear Mr. Picasso is published by Schilt Publishing & Gallery. Click here for more information or to order your copy.